Bottom line up front:
NO Touch and Goes or Stop and Go operations at any time.
Low approaches and Full Stop Taxi Back operations are allowed between 1000 and 1800 (same day) Monday through Friday except on city observed holidays.
On February 6 2024, the city of Torrance adopted ordinance 3930 which created a ban on all "touch and go" and "stop and go" operations at the airport.
The ordinance also states that "low approach" or "full stop taxi back" operations are NOT allowed at the airport between 6:00 p.m. of one day and 10:00 a.m. of the following day, Monday through Friday inclusive.
Additionally, the ordinance specifies that No low approach or full stop taxi back shall be permitted on the Airport between 6:00 p.m. Friday and 10:00 a.m. Mondays, nor any city observed holiday.
The FAA published Chart Supplement states (at the end of the section titled "Noise"):
"No tgl or stop & go ops pmtd. No low apch or full stop taxi–back pmtd btn 0200Z–1800Z‡ Mon–Fri. No low apch or full stop taxi–back pmtd Sat, Sun ben Fri 0200Z‡ & Mon 1800Z‡, or hols. Arpt clsd to dep 0600Z–1500Z‡ wkdays & 0600Z–1600Z‡ wknds & hols. Touch and go ldg and stop and go ldg and low apch ops ltd to 1600–0400Z‡ (taxi–back until 0600Z‡) wkdays and 1800–0100Z‡ Sat. No touch and go ldg and stop and go ldg and low apch ops and taxi–back ops on Sun and hol."
The ordinance is pretty clear, the airport Chart Supplement might be confusing. This might help (local times):
No touch & go landings or stop & go operations permitted.
Airport closed to departures 10PM–7AM weekdays & 10PM–8AM weekends & holidays.
No low approach or full stop taxi–back permitted between 6PM–10AM Mon–Fri. (6PM one day to 10AM the following morning)
No low approach or full stop taxi–back permitted Saturday, Sunday between Friday 6PM & Mon 10AM, or holidays.
As pilots we are expected to read the chart supplement.
One final note is that the city states "The City of Torrance Noise Abatement office does not have jurisdiction over altitude, where the aircraft are flying, flight patterns, or reckless flight, as these issues are governed by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)" which implies they cannot create a prohibition on low approaches as that is a flight in the air. (
It is the pilot who is final authority over the flight and safety of everyone involved, fly safe!
Torrance Ordinance:
Procedure (KTOA chart supplement) effective date: 0901Z Oct 31 - 0901Z Dec 26, 2024
FAA Chart Supplement (search for latest):